3 Myths & Truths about Women & Weight Training Revealed
In honor of National Women’s Health & Fitness Day -September 24th here are a few tips for the ladies…
3 Myths & Truths about women & weight training revealed.

Myth #1: Women who weight train look manly
Truth: A hormone called testosterone gives men the ability to gain greater muscle mass than women. Although women have small amounts of this hormone, the average woman doesn’t produce enough to cause her to “naturally” grow large muscles like a man. If you bulk up your diet is the culprit not the weights.
Myth # 2: If I start weight training and stop, my muscles will turn into fat.
Truth: Muscle and fat are two totally different types of tissues. If you began a resistance training program and stop, your muscles will become smaller through a process known as atrophy. When you gain weight, your body stores excess units of energy in your cells in the form of fat. These tissues are different in form and function. One does not turn into the other.
Myth # 3: Consuming protein will help me gain muscle.
Truth: Your body uses protein to build and repair muscle tissue that’s been stressed by external resistance, such as weight training. Consuming protein alone will not increase muscle size or strength. It requires both lifting weights and eating protein.
Cardio alone does not build lean muscle tissue that changes the shape of your body and metabolism.
The benefits of weight training far outweigh those of just cardio alone.
What you will be with weight training is stronger, leaner, fitter, firmer & just overall BETTER!
Woman on weights see picture to the right….
GO for Life!
In peace, health & with much love,
Joycelyn Bejar
Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer