5 More Weight Training Truths

This applies to all ages, genders & fitness levels not just the ladies…

Burning Calories: Muscle tissue is dense and burns calories even at the state of rest: more muscles equal more calories burned.

Stronger Bones: Weight-bearing exercises stimulate new bone growth, which helps ward off bone loss and osteoporosis that afflict many women as they age.

Joint Protection: Weight training builds the muscles around your joints, which keep the joints stable and able to withstand strain.

Functional Fitness: Lifting weights keeps us strong enough at any age to lift groceries, climb stairs and other daily activities.

How functionally fit can you be if you don’t have the strength to be functional?

Good looks: A firm, toned body, from head to toe, is always appealing. And when you look great, you feel great!

GO for Life! ™contact

In peace, health & with much love,

Joycelyn Bejar
Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer