Rock Star Vegetable Does it Again (Faux Risotto Recipe)

In this weeks tip I share with you another cauliflower recipe that is nutrient dense & delicious ENJOY!
Squash & Asparagus Faux Risotto Recipe
1 cauliflower
2 medium yellow squash
6-8 asparagus spears
1c veggie broth (or any broth you prefer)
2 tbsp coconut oil
½ c onion, chopped
2 garlic cloves , finely minced
¼ c cooking wine (optional)
1 tbsp coconut butter
fresh basil
pepper to taste
- Cut cauliflower into pieces, then lightly, very lightly steam
- Put in blender on chop setting for a rice like consistency, (too much steam and blending will mush into a mash) …set aside
- In large saucepan, sauté onions & garlic in coconut oil over medium heat ( about 3-5 min)
- Stir in cauliflower (if adding wine add)
- Add broth, stirring often and wait for the mixture to absorb the broth before adding more ( about 15 min)
- Add squash & asparagus. Continue to stir until veggies are soft. (Add more broth if necessary)
- Remove from heat, add fresh basil & pepper & a dollop of coconut butter.
This is really good!
And check out the points on the ANDI guide for this recipe alone:
Cauliflower -295 points
Asparagus –234
Squash- couldn’t find yellow squash but acorn squash 444
Basil- 518
Almost Carb-free, grain-free, vegan, Paleo and Nutrient Dense too.
Buen provecho!
If you have any healthy recipes you would like to share please send them to me and I will blog them along.
GO for Life!
In peace, health & with much love,
Joycelyn Bejar
Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer