Spring Cleaning for your Body & Soul

Joycelyn-111webSpring is here!

Generally we think of spring cleaning as the time to clean your closets.  As the body gets ready to shed that winter coat it’s a great time time to CLEANSE your body & soul too.

Consider this…changing your nutrition and lifestyle to encourage the elimination of toxins from your body.  The build up of toxins in the body can actually slow down or inhibit fat burning.

CLEANSING your body is a great way to jump-start your metabolism before dieting and getting that body bikini ready for summer.

So many to choose from… I suggest selecting a CLEANSE that suits your lifestyle.  If you’re an athlete or lead an active lifestyle or even if your not, I found one that allows me to keep my protein intake high so as not lose valuable hard earned lean muscle gains  and with a few slight modifications I keep my caloric intake high enough so that my body does not go into starvation mode.


The first time I did this CLEANSE, beyond the noticeable physical effects early on, I noticed a spiritual aspect as well.  Throughout the cleanse, I noticed myself letting go of unwanted matter, that was cluttering my life and weighing me down.  I found myself with clarity of thought that helped me rid of this excess that I was carrying around with me. Afterward, I felt a sense of inner peace and well-being that I didn’t have before.

I had such great results with this CLEANSE and other ISAGENIX products that I now add to my daily regimen that I have since signed on to represent them.

Taking the time to purify your body in the spring will bring increased energy, mental clarity and balance to the entire system.

Tatiana Montgomery, my friend, colleague and ISAGENIX coach says. “after a 48 hour cleanse I just feel happy and I don’t even know why.”

Taking the first step to a clean start will leave you feeling so great you may even want to continue living a healthier and active lifestyle.

If your interested in lightness of being, joy & bikini ready body, contact me and I’ll help get you started!

For more info on ISAGENIX products  visit my associate website

GO for Life! ™

In peace, health & with much love

Joycelyn Bejar
Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer

