Sub High-Carb Meals with this Rockstar Vegetable

Ode to the Cauliflower

Cauliflower is…

A cruciferous vegetable in the same plant family as broccoli, kale, cabbage and collards.

•Nutritionally dense & full of vitamins and minerals
•An excellent source of vitamin C
•Contains many vitamins from the B group especially Folate
•B5, B6, B1 & B3
•Vitamin K
•A good source of minerals such as manganese, copper, iron, calcium and potassium
•Has Phyto–nutrients that help prevent prostate, ovarian & cervical cancers
•High in dietary fiber

All these vitamins are required from external sources to replenish and required for fat, protein & carbohydrate metabolism.

Cauliflower contains just 25 calories, 5g carbs per cup and has 0 g of fat and 0 mg of cholesterol.

Remember carbs are good to eat, but not at night!

This rock star vegetable can take the place of high starch potatoes for a low carb meal.

Try these cauliflower recipes:

Cilantro-Lime Cauliflower Faux Rice
Cauliflower- just the head  (lightly steamed)
2 Tbsp Lime Juice
2 Tbsp Cilantro-Chopped
Garlic -Chopped
1 Tbsp Coconut oil or Olive Oil
Put Cauliflower, Cilantro, Lime, in blender on chop
heat Pan with coconut oil and garlic and sautée blended ingredients in pan

Mashed Cauliflower
Cauliflower-head only (boil)
Almond milk or coconut milk  (a splash)
Vegetable Broth (optional)- I do without
Garlic (minced)
Salt & Pepper to taste
Put all ingredients in the blender. Add Almond milk to create desired consistency

*For People with thyroid dysfunction- excessive use of cauliflower as with other members of the brassica/cruciferous family may cause swelling of thyroid gland and thyroid hormone deficiency.

Bon appetite!
GO for Life! ™

In peace, health & with much love

Joycelyn Bejar
Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer

