The “Power Position” is Present in all Disciplines- Kung Fu and Yoga Alike

If all this sounds like Chinese to you, let me put it in a simpler form.

The “Power Position” tells your body to recover, to learn this space, this is a safe zone and this is where the body should find comfort and recover.

The power position carries across many disciplines:

•The “Plank”

•In Yoga, “Samasdetihi”



•In Shaolin Kung Fu, the start and end position in all forms.

•Bosu Elite , Flat jacks,  a supine plank position is the same as a standing upright power position.

They all have the same purpose, neutralize posture for greater stability and force transfer !


GO for Life! ™

In peace, health & with much love, 

Joycelyn Bejar

Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist

Certified Personal Trainer