V: Getting Back on the Track -Next Up… Plyometrics
Plyometric training and why it does the body good.
How these explosive jumping exercises will help recovery and bring us back to speed….
Tendons take A LONG- VERY LONG time to heal.
As I watch my gluteus maximus (aka. my butt), tendon repair, which incidentally is the largest muscle in the body, it helps power you up hills and stairs and supports your hip and pelvis, little by little I’ve been adding on to my regimen by increasing the level of difficulty and strength.
Without getting too technical, I will try to keep this simple…
Plyometric exercises like Squat Jumps, Box jumps, Lunge Jumps, Single leg hops, Leap Frogs and skaters strengthen the tendons and improve their elasticity by placing stress on them in a controlled setting. There are numerous studies that support the use of plyometric and dynamic stabilization/balance exercises in neuromuscular training to alter movement biomechanics. The stronger the tendons, the less the risk of injury.
The nervous system also has to be trained to switch on.
By training the body in a plyometric way, the body makes demands on the muscular system, whose needs are met first by the nervous system. Plyometric training improves the efficiency of this system as well.
The ability to control the degree of eccentric movement before an extension or concentric movement is key to all explosive sports. This is known as the stretch-shortening cycle. Over time this strengthens the stabilizing muscles to lessen the degree of flexion before the subsequent extension. This in turn improves coordination and produces more efficient movement patterns. Through this power and speed are born.
Plyos can be subbed for cardio or a sprint day. Plyos raise the speed of force and speed of your muscle contractions leading to higher explosive power that is needed in sports activities. Every sport can benefit from plyometric training.
To recap plyo training benefits:
Stronger tendons +Better coordination + Increased stabilization + Strength + Speed=Increased power output systemically and safely
Among all the other benefits, the bonus again is plyos are one of the most effective ways to torch calories and burn fat!
Slow and easy does it but still moving forward. : )
GO for Life!
In peace, health & with much love,
Joycelyn Bejar
Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer