VIII: Getting Back on theTrack, Why I Choose Isagenix and About My Results

It’s Tuesday and things are flowing a lot better today. While still in recovery things are not moving as fast as I would like, but trust they are moving at the speed which they must,  I feel like I get  stuck in all sorts of places.  It seemed everything I tried to do was met with a complication, a challenge, or a brick wall so to speak.  Since I entered the world of Isagenix, I discovered an almost miraculous tool, the 2-day cleanse.   No matter how many times I’ve tried it, it always elicits a different experience with the same result, I ALWAYS FEEL BETTER!

On the morning after the second cleanse day, I wake up feeling energetic and positive with a renewed sense of perspective and magically I’ve been transformed in what seems like another world.

First thing I do is jump on the scale and I’ve lost at least 4 pounds- water, maybe. Four pounds may not sound like a lot but I’ve lost stress and blocks and negative feelings and loads of other …  lets call it 4 pounds of stuff.

It’s the end of something old and the start of something new.

My day begins with a renewed sense of self and I feel like I’m starting over.  Suddenly new opportunities are knocking on my door.  I now have clarity in situations where I couldn’t see the light.  In just 2 days I’ve managed to let go of other gray matter that no longer holds any significance in my life. I can move forward with a sense of freedom and no longer feel tired or locked down. Even my writing, where I once had writer’s block now flows effortlessly like a stream of consciousness.  My breathing is easier and my smile is my smile.  I feel amazing!

A jump start to feeling fresh and new or a reset button. I get to start over on a new path with a new perspective. Miraculously I’ve been catapulted into being in the here and now. I am present once again.

Attitude adjusted…

Feeling Grateful

Plus It’s time for that Spring Cleaning so Hit me up if your interested or follow this link….

( copy/paste link to browser if doesn’t take you there)

GO for Life! ™


In peace, health & with much love,

Joycelyn Bejar
Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer