Spotting Sugar when it’s masked by other names on Nutrition labels can be somewhat tricky if you don’t know what you are looking for. Below is a quick guide of sugar nicknames to look out for: Agave nectar Evaporated cane juice Malt syrup Brown sugar Fructose Maple syrup Cane crystalsContinue reading "Sugar by Any Other Name Is STILL Sugar – BEWARE"
It’s been a while since I’ve been on the subject of nutrition, almost as long as my recovery. Don’t think that hasn’t been in the forefront while I’ve been recovering. In fact, what has enabled me to continue to recover as quickly is being mindful of my nutrition. I will admit though I’ve not beenContinue reading "Get Off the Crack and Get Back on Track – SUGAR is a Bad Habit"
Carbs are a poor choice as a pre-bed meal. Complex carbohydrates that is. The reason: Consuming carbohydrates will result in a significant insulin release. This will put the breaks on fat-burning. If that is your goal. Carbs are also much more easily stored as fat in the evening hours when metabolism is naturally slowing in preparationContinue reading "Avoid Carbs and Insulin Before Bed"
Continuing on the topic of insulin… As previously discussed in last weeks blog, Insulin is a hormone, made by the pancreas, that controls the level of glucose (sugar) in the blood and allows the cells to use the glucose for energy or storage as body fat for later use Symptoms to look for after eatingContinue reading "How do you know if you are Insulin Resistant or Carbohydrate Intolerant?"
Here is the Rx … I too am insulin resistant and this has been a constant struggle for me in managing my weight. How I manage it is by keeping my complex carbs in small amounts. For instance I take one baked sweet potato and cut into quarters and only eat that quarter at thatContinue reading "Insulin Resistance and The Rx"