JBeFit Unlimited Blog

  • Fight or Flight

    STRESS Over the past few months Ive been dealing with the loss of my sister, couple that with a torn calf… Ouch : ‘ ( Suffice it to say, I needed time to heal.  Each one alone is enough to knock you out or set our adrenals into to overdrive…this can wreak havoc on ourContinue reading "Fight or Flight"
  • Pieces

    Yin & Yang When something ends, something begins Where something begins, something has ended. This symbolizes the continuum of life. In life there is death In death there is life Where we find life in death is when those who depart, leave us with a piece of them. It is those pieces that remain withContinue reading "Pieces"
  • Edison’s Thoughts

    ” The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human body in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.” Thomas A. Edison I LOVE your comments and the questions you send me… Please share your comments on the blog or FB soContinue reading "Edison’s Thoughts"
  • COFFEE Good or Bad?

    Caffeine is often called the most widely consumed drug in the world. Caffeine is a stimulant that affects your central nervous system, making you feel awake, mentally alert and energetic. Partly due to its stimulant effect on the central nervous system, both raises metabolism so you can burn more calories, And increases the oxidation ofContinue reading "COFFEE Good or Bad?"
  • Add “SPICE” to your Life

    More anti-oxidants than even fruit… Besides the added flavor when combined with other foods these spices can boost the natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory power of food •Turmeric – fights cancer, dementia, helps prevent Alzheimer’s,   immune booster •Basil – anti-inflammatory, helps make skin softer & smoother, immune booster •Cumin –fights dementia, regulates insulin •Cayenne orContinue reading "Add “SPICE” to your Life"

    Remember Gumby…He’s bendable, flexible, poseable, optimistic-all is possible, helpful, honest, pure, adventurous, fearless, loving, everybody’s friend and green…such great qualities for a guy to have. ; ) This year Gumby will be my role model, my mascot to remind me to stay flexible and go with the flow.  I will take him on my pathContinue reading "The GUMBYSOLUTION"
  • Detox Solutions

    Keeping the LIVER clean and free of toxins is important to metabolize, store and synthesize energy transferred from food.  Easier said, to function efficiently and BURN FAT. Here are a couple of DETOX solutions I found to help start 2013 right: option #1: 6 asparagus spears. 1/2 cucumber, 1 lemon-juice, 1/2 cup purified water & ice…blendContinue reading "Detox Solutions"
  • The Day After…DAMAGE CONTROL

    The holidays are here!  With that seems to come this unnecessary bulge.  We spend the day eating and wonder why we feel lethargic and our pants don’t fit. CONSIDER THIS: For every gram of carbohydrate you consume your body will hold almost 3 grams of water the next day! TO COMBAT: Doubling your water intake theContinue reading "The Day After…DAMAGE CONTROL"