Spring is here! Generally we think of spring cleaning as the time to clean your closets. As the body gets ready to shed that winter coat it’s a great time time to CLEANSE your body & soul too. Consider this…changing your nutrition and lifestyle to encourage the elimination of toxins from your body. The buildContinue reading "Spring Cleaning for your Body & Soul"
Because more antioxidants are released when cocoa is heated up, this winter treat is great ammunition to fight free radicals. Antioxidants protect and repair cells from damage caused by free radicals. These free radicals are capable of attacking the healthy cells in the body that may lead to chronic diseases and interfere with your immuneContinue reading "Guilty Pleasures …now Guilt Free"
Start with wholesome foods to increase thyroid activity. Processed foods will take longer to digest. and will slow down your metabolism. Here are some natural food sources to consider adding to your diet: Sea vegetables – ocean foods -seaweed, hijiki, wakame, arame, dulse, nori, kombu…find these in sushi restaurants Cranberries – antioxidant Organic yogurt –Continue reading "Foods that Increase Thyroid Activity & Your Metabolism"
Question: “There are many types of vitamin b…. I am on an increased folic acid diet… can u blog about this so i can learn some more?”lolo B9 folic acid B9 works in conjunction with B6 and B12. They all help to convert food into fuel and this gives you energy! Folic Acid is crucialContinue reading "More on the "B's""
Ever wonder why those pounds or that belly fat just won’t budge even if you’re hardly eating? THAT right there is the answer. Hardly eating will get you nowhere. The body has nutritional requirements to maintain and stabilize bodily functions. If you don’t feed the body the nutrients it needs it will: •Hold onContinue reading "Eat to lose weight… 5 times a day at least ..REALLY"