Carbs are a poor choice as a pre-bed meal. Complex carbohydrates that is. The reason: Consuming carbohydrates will result in a significant insulin release. This will put the breaks on fat-burning. If that is your goal. Carbs are also much more easily stored as fat in the evening hours when metabolism is naturally slowing in preparationContinue reading "Avoid Carbs and Insulin Before Bed"
Continuing on the topic of insulin… As previously discussed in last weeks blog, Insulin is a hormone, made by the pancreas, that controls the level of glucose (sugar) in the blood and allows the cells to use the glucose for energy or storage as body fat for later use Symptoms to look for after eatingContinue reading "How do you know if you are Insulin Resistant or Carbohydrate Intolerant?"
Here is the Rx … I too am insulin resistant and this has been a constant struggle for me in managing my weight. How I manage it is by keeping my complex carbs in small amounts. For instance I take one baked sweet potato and cut into quarters and only eat that quarter at thatContinue reading "Insulin Resistance and The Rx"
I was about 17 when I first went to Weight Watchers. One of the first rules they teach is to Eat your fruit, DO NOT drink it. The science is simple… Your body cannot digest the amount of insulin you are putting into your blood stream in juice form fast enough to use so thatContinue reading "Drinking your Fruit and The Juice Fad"
High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) gets and keeps your heart rate up and burns more fat in less time. In this type of training you give one hundred percent all-out effort through quick, intense bursts of exercise, followed by short, sometimes active, recovery periods. Because This gets and keeps your heart rate up it burnsContinue reading "HIIT Cardio for Intense Fat Burning"
Now it’s time to get specific YOUR training heart rate. We are all different, with different fitness levels, with differing Resting and Maximal Heart Rates. All this will play a factor in calculating your numbers so you can stay in YOUR zone. An acceptable approximation: MAX HEART RATE (MHR) 220- Age *After the age ofContinue reading "How to Calculate and Determine YOUR Specific Heart Rate Zones"
Now that you understand the effectiveness of steady state aerobic training, understanding the importance of staying in your zone, depending on your goal, will help improve your fitness level and get you those RESULTS! 50-60%- Fat Burning & Recovery – (Aerobic) In this range you are developing your basic endurance and aerobic capacity. This zoneContinue reading "Staying in YOUR Heart Rate Training Zone"
Your goal is to burn fat, right?.. It doesn’t have to be so hard or intense. Steady-State Cardio improves heart function, recovery and burns fat. Since Steady-State Cardio (SSC) does not place a large demand on your body it can be done everyday and used as a recovery tool from your intense weight training orContinue reading "So You Want to Burn Fat- Slow & Steady Does It"
A friend once asked me why I choose sweet over white potatoes if sweet potatoes have more sugar? Despite their name, they don’t! On the glycemic index compare 45 to 75-100 on the white potato. Sweet Potatoes are also richer in anti-oxidants. The deeper the color of flesh, the greater the antioxidant content. If you can’tContinue reading "Sweet Potato vs. White Potato"
We consume eighteen million pounds of potato chips on Super Bowl Sunday alone! We eat 7.5 billion pounds of French fries a year! It’s no wonder POTATOES have gotten a bad rap for being a high-glycemic food. This means that we digest sugars so rapidly that they give us a sharp rise in blood glucose.Continue reading "18 Million pounds of POTATO chips on Super Bowl Sunday – gone : O !!!!"
We’ve been told that salt causes high blood pressure, cardiac disease and heart problems. And the US Department of Agriculture says it’s worse than fats, sugar and alcohol. A meta-analysis published last August in the American Journal of Hypertension found no evidence that cutting sodium intake in people with normal or high blood pressure reducesContinue reading "Shaking Out The Truth About Salt – We’ve Been Lied To : {"
Here’s a recipe straight from JBeFit Kitchen… Cooked kale scores 1000 out of a possible 1000 points on the Aggregate Nutrient Density Index (ANDI guide). No surprise that leafy greens top the scale as a low calorie food with high nutrient value. Another veggie packed with antioxidants. Asparagus is a very good source of fiber,Continue reading "Warm Kale & Asparagus Salad- the recipe you asked for"